Navigate the Complexities of Human Connection

One moment at a time.


with Dr. Kelly Flanagan
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The Kindest Community

Humaning is the name of my online publication, and it’s where our community gathers to explore the complexities of human connection.

Everything that happens between human beings is influenced by everything happening within us, and what’s happening within us can feel like a mystery at best and a mess at worst. At Humaning, we sort out some of the inner mess and mystery, so we can bring the best of our humanity to the rest of humanity.

You can join for free more than 14,000 other human beings on the journey toward better belonging, or a community of hundreds of paying members who get customized guidance from me in our monthly Zoom gathering and our Relationship Lab.


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You are here for a reason, yet you cannot truly awaken to it until you have first embraced your truest, worthiest, most loveable self and then allowed yourself to be truly embraced by your people.

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Embrace your worthiness, build your belonging, and clarify your purpose.

Hi, I’m Kelly. Some people call me Dr. Flanagan or Dr. Kelly, but Kelly will do just fine. I’m a clinical psychologist by day, a writer by night, a consultant and speaker in my free time, and an ordinary human, husband, father, and friend in the midst of it all.

If you find yourself on the brink of an awakening or right in the middle of one, you’re in the right place. A second, better life awaits you right here, right now. It has three essential rewards, and when you walk through those essentials in the right order, things begin, gradually, to fall into place. And I couldn’t be more grateful for this chance to walk with you for a little while.


Which one are you in right now?

Embracing your worthiness

You are worthy of love and belonging. Like all of us, somewhere along the way, you forgot this. It’s time to remember.

Building your belonging

Find your belonging by showing up as the person you are. Building your belonging by growing into the companion you can be.

Clarifying your purpose

Vocation, calling, purpose, meaning. It goes by many names, but whatever you call it, being clear about your reason for being here is at the heart of a satisfying life.

My Story

About Kelly Flanagan

I grew up in a small town in rural Illinois, and I got out of it as fast as I could because I figured the satisfaction we’re all looking for couldn’t be found in a cornfield. I went to the University of Illinois and majored in psychology before going to Penn State for graduate school. There, I met my lovely wife (who also happens to be named Kelly, as if life isn’t already complicated enough), we had our first child, and I earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Then, I went on to become a successful therapist. I’d checked every box I could think of in search of a satisfying life, and yet true satisfaction still seemed somehow out of reach. That’s when I got depressed—really depressed—for the first time in my life. By 2011, I was asking the same question most of my clients were asking: there’s got to be more to life than this, right?