Awakenings aren’t big and mysterious. They’re ordinary and sequential. You might even be in the midst of one right now. If so, you’re in the right place.

New Release
The Unhiding Of Elijah Campbell
In his debut novel, Kelly weaves a page-turning, plot-twisting tale that explores the spiritual depths of identity and relationships, amidst themes of healing, grace, faith, forgiveness, and freedom.

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True Companions
Find out how the three ordinary experiences that plague most relationships—loneliness, defensiveness, and distractedness—can be transformed into the fertile ground for enduring, lifelong companionship.
You are here for a reason, yet you cannot truly awaken to it until you have first embraced your truest, worthiest, most loveable self and then allowed yourself to be truly embraced by your people.

Which one are you focused on right now?
Embracing your worthiness
You are worthy of love and belonging. Like all of us, somewhere along the way, you forgot this. It’s time to remember.
Building your belonging
Find your belonging by showing up as the person you are. Building your belonging by growing into the companion you can be.
Clarifying your purpose
Vocation, calling, purpose, meaning. It goes by many names, but whatever you call it, being clear about your reason for being here is at the heart of a satisfying life.