

I’m so glad you found us here at UnTangled. This has become one of the warmest and most welcoming communities I’ve ever known. If you’re looking for a place where you can be yourself—which is to say, fully human, both messy and beautiful—look no further. Before you jump in, though, here’s a little more information about me and what’s happening here at the blog…

About Me

I’m a licensed clinical psychologist. I received my Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Penn State University in 2005. I am a co-founder of Artisan Clinical Associates in Naperville, IL, along with my good friend and colleague David Clinton. I currently see clients on Mondays and Tuesdays in Naperville.

The rest of the week I write.

My blog posts have been featured in Reader’s Digest and the Huffington Post. In 2014, my writing led to an appearance on the TODAY Show. That was totally surreal, and a total blast for our whole family.

I’ve written a short eBook entitled, The Marriage Manifesto: Turning Your World Upside Down. It has received an average rating of 4.5 stars on Amazon, where you can purchase it. But you can also get a free copy by signing up to receive my weekly newsletter via email. If you’re interested, you can click here to do so.

In March 2017, my first full-length book was published by Zondervan, an imprint of HarperCollins. It is entitled, Loveable: Embracing What Is Truest About You, So You Can Truly Embrace Your LifeIt debuted at #1 in Interpersonal Relations on Amazon and has more than 260 reviews, averaging 4.9 stars. When you sign up for my weekly email update, you will also receive a free sample of Loveable

About the Blog

What is UnTangled all about? In short, UnTangled is a place to explore the redemptive life. In a world where we are often encouraged to seek the good life—a life which usually ends up in perfectionism and disappointment—we’re exploring the redemptive life: a life in which the pain, brokenness, and mess of being human are not brushed under the rug but rather invited into the light. For more thoughts about the good life versus the redemptive life, you can read my post, “What’s the Difference Between the Good Life and the Redemptive Life?

I chose “UnTangled” as the blog title for two reasons. First, I’m a therapist, and I believe the therapeutic endeavor often feels like a process of disentanglement, including disentanglement from the influences of our personal history, the cultural messages we have unwittingly consumed, and the vicissitudes of being human. Second, I hope the blog will provide a similar kind of experience, somehow unraveling confusion and providing clarity about the stories we are telling with our lives.

For the first five or so years of the blog, I posted weekly. Now, I write less frequently, as I’m working on other projects, including a new book about companionship that will be published by IVP, podcasting, speaking across the country, and the 2019 Loveable Retreat Weekend. My periodic newsletter will keep you up to date on all of that, while providing you with inspiration, comfort, and clarity. 

How to Connect

If you would like to explore ways to live a redemptive story right now, you can subscribe to my emails by clicking here. You can also follow UnTangled on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

A Sampling of Popular Posts

  1. Words From a Father to His Daughter (From the Makeup Aisle)
  2. A Daddy’s Letter to His Little Girl (About Her Future Husband)
  3. Marriage Is For Losers
  4. The Reason Every Kid Should Talk Back to Their Parents
  5. A Dad’s Letter to His Son (About the Only Good Reason to Get Married)
  6. The 9 Most Overlooked Threats to a Marriage
  7. Why I Don’t Believe in Grace Anymore
  8. Karma Envelopes
  9. The Beauty of Being a Quitter
  10. A Daddy’s Letter to His Little Girl (About How Fast She’s Walking Away)

You can also check my blog’s archive page for a list of every post I have ever written, organized by category and date.

A Little More About Me

At Artisan Clinical Associates, I work with a wide range of individuals in various treatment contexts including individual therapy with adults and adolescents, marital/couple therapy, family therapy, and the evaluation of individuals who have immigrated to the U.S. and are seeking legal permanent residency. My areas of particular clinical interest include interpersonal and relationship problems; resolution of marital conflict and communication skill training; treatment of substance abuse and relapse prevention; experiences of depression, anxiety, and trauma/abuse; and issues of self-esteem, self-confidence, and development of personal identity. In addition, I think it’s important to openly work with issues of faith and spirituality when they naturally emerge during the process of change and growth.

I completed my clinical psychology residency at Hines VA Medical Center in Maywood, IL. My research has focused on the role of spouses’ core interpersonal needs in the resolution of marital conflict. I’ve also taught at Wheaton College as an adjunct assistant professor.

I am married with three children, and I enjoy reading and learning from my children how to be a kid again. I began writing publicly in January 2012, via this blog. But I have always enjoyed writing privately. It helps me to “untangle” my own thoughts, and I’m thankful for the opportunity the blog has afforded me to achieve even more clarity about my vocation and this life we are living, through conversation with readers and blog followers

If you are interested in learning more about my approach to writing, social media, and therapy, click here to read my interview with Dr. David Norton about how social media can be used wisely to build a therapy practice. His website is a fantastic resource for both early-career and senior clinicians seeking to grow their practice. 

My Contact Information

You can contact me via e-mail or follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Website Photographs

The header photo is the work of David Clinton, M.A., LCPC. He’s an excellent photographer, and an even better therapist. Credit for the author photo goes to Bureau Gravity


This is my personal blog. While I write about both personal and professional experiences, my writings should be considered a matter of personal opinion. They do not reflect professional advice. This medium does not lend itself to the level of detail and intimacy required to provide professional advice. If you are in need of consultation, I highly recommend you seek professional counseling. If at all possible, you should seek a reliable referral from a trusted source. The Psychology Today therapist search engine is an excellent tool for doing so.