Rate Artisan Clinical Associates

Dear Friends & Family,

At Artisan Clinical Associates we are trying to solidify our reputation in social media by adding positive ratings and reviews to our Google profile. However, as therapists, we are not permitted to solicit these from our clientele, so we are asking friends and family if they would be willing to give us a rating and or review. If you would like to take a few second to give us a rating, click the button below. (If you are viewing this on a mobile device, when you arrive at the Google page, you will need to click the “Reviews” tab to leave a rating.)

[button href=”https://www.google.com/search?q=Artisan+Clinical+Associates,+LLC,+121+N+Washington+St,+Naperville,+IL+60540&ludocid=9434633812455930315#lrd=0x880e57b7e8da130f:0x82ee8d77315339cb,3″ primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Rate Artisan on Google[/button]

If you would be willing to help us out by leaving a short review as well, we have two suggestion for doing so:

  1. Your review could describe why you would feel comfortable referring a friend or family member to me, or to our practice in general.
  1. The following review was left on our Facebook page by someone who has never been to our practice. It is a good example of how to leave a positive review without having been to our practice for therapy:

“While I have not had the pleasure of working with Kelly or David, if the blogs these two gentlemen write are any indication, I would be in good hands. Insightful, human, humble and caring. I believe you would be well served by this practice.”

To leave a review, click below. (Again, if you are viewing this on a mobile device, when you arrive at the Google page, you will need to click the “Reviews” tab to leave a rating.)

[button href=”https://www.google.com/search?q=Artisan+Clinical+Associates,+LLC,+121+N+Washington+St,+Naperville,+IL+60540&ludocid=9434633812455930315#lrd=0x880e57b7e8da130f:0x82ee8d77315339cb,3″ primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Rate and Review or Artisan on Google[/button]

Thank you for helping us out in this way!

With gratitude,
